Before printing was invented there were without glasses without glasses - they were invented in response to Visual problems caused by the printed word. The digital world requires new and different demands in our eyes. Pixels require a different approach from the eye print.
Computer monitors cause visual fatigue (and this includes PDAs, cell phones and other portable electronic devices) for a number of reasons. For example, computer monitors continuously update or return to drawing, the image that a user sees. Paper, on the other hand, is a means of static display; once drawn, not to change the image. As the monitor of the computer is updated, the eye compensates images rapidly changing. The net result is that strains of eye to maintain constant focus on the screen.
Pixels have no contrast or well-defined edges. They are bright in the Center and diminish in intensity towards its edges, which makes it very difficult for the eyes to maintain the focus and remain fixed in these images. Printed materials are normally dense black characters with well defined edges on a white background and our eyes can easily keep the attention on these.
Our eyes tend to remain open for long periods of time when focusing on a computer monitor, can dry quickly, causing damage. Our eyes strain to also retrieve the focus. This continuous bending of the eyes focusing muscles create fatigue and burning, eyes tired feeling that it is so common after spending time in front of the computer.
We tend to blink less frequently than normal to see a computer monitor or focus on near objects. Looking at and diminished the frequency of blinking can cause the eyes to dry leading to redness, burning sensation, pain, stinging, itching and dryness. Focuses the eyes a monitor of computer for uninterrupted periods causes CVS (computer vision syndrome).
CVS refers to Visual problems through the use of equipment. CVS covers different symptoms and treatments. In addition to eye problems mentioned above also have vision problems including blurred vision (near and far), difficulty to change focus, double vision, glare, flicker sensations and temporary changes in the perception of color. And there are general discomfort, headaches, neck tension or pain shoulder stress or pain, back pain, excessive fatigue, irritability and drowsiness.
These symptoms can be aggravated by inadequate lighting and equipment conditions glare, dry, hot air generated by monitors hitting the eyes and issued by the electrostatic field that surrounds most of the monitors of dust particles.
How dealing with CVS (including computer monitors eye strain)
There is an easy way to reduce these symptoms. And there are many alternative routes. You can easily find lists of 5, 6, 7, 10 ways to reduce visual fatigue of equipment use drops to the eyes to the 20/20/20 rule (something look at 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes). All work to some degree... If unable to remember to apply them systematically.
I imagine similar advice to treat with Sun eye injuries before we started using sunglasses - go in areas shaded regularly; keep the hands until the block Sun directly hitting the eyes; Remember that a hat with a ceiling of half the length of his face when in the Sun. But still the problem solvers are we came up with the solution of sunglasses.
In the digital world, the simple solution is also carry digital glasses when working on a computer monitor or using an electronic handheld device. Digital glasses will eliminate the constant refocus efforts around the eyes to see the screen. 75% of computer users need computer glasses because our eyes react different to the stimulus of a team according to the Organization's support of Macular degeneration.
If you are tired of visual fatigue of team, headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and neck and back pain then take a look at Obtain the equipment of eye that can protect you and help you to be more productive.
Since computer screens for portable devices, workstations for digital entertainment devices, only growing information flow. What are all those hours watching a screen with your eyes?
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