One of the main concerns of the people who buy computers is the speed of the team. A better understanding of the factors influencing the speed that can reach the team can help you make the best choice for your needs.
A typical computer system performs many activities and in all areas the speed is a consideration, but there are different types of speed. Some areas to consider are;
General computer and data management
Presentation of the video image and the frame rate (Frequency that shows video frames in a monitor, usually described in frames per second (fps).) Speeds improve the appearance of movement by video. TV broadcast (video in motion) is 30 frames per second).
Internet communication (loading and unloading), sending and receiving data
Speed peripherals such as printer, scanner or other connected devices
This article will focus on the heart of all team operations; general computer and data management.
The architecture of this area of the team can be described in this schematic diagram;
CPU RAM memory disk drive
The brain of the computer is the CPU or Central processing unit. This component performs the manipulation, evaluation and calculations of data. Not all mathematics, logical comparisons and disposition of information. However, it is very limited can only deal with a very small amount of information at a time.
In contrast to the human brain, the memory or the actual data are manipulated, for the most part, reside in a different part of the team that the part of thinking. The memory area is known as the memory RAM or memory random access. The CPU has to talk to memory all the time to get more data and write the modified data. Obtain data from the RAM and takes time. Each component of RAM has a manufactured speed which is accessed.
In addition, RAM has a limited size. In order to deal with large volumes of data from memory RAM may not be large enough and the hard disk has to be accessed. Access to the hard disk is orders of magnitude slower talking with RAM memory. This really slows things down much.
To complicate matters, for various reasons of electrical engineering, the CPU cannot speak directly to the memory. It has to communicate through a channel of communication known as the front side bus. It is as if your brain would have their phone's memory any time necessary to remember anything.
Each of the parties has an associated speed limit. The CPU has a certain speed for data manipulation, the front side Bus has a rate to which can speak to the memory, the memory has a speed which is accessed and also makes the hard disk. They all add together to determine the time it takes to get things.
Necessary time for the team information and work therein (in simplified terms) = logical CPU time + time for "touring" the lateral front side bus + RAM access time + time to talk with the hard disk (if necessary).
What counts most
The factor that makes the most difference is the size of the RAM. If it is large enough, the system will have to go to the hard drive less often. This has the most dramatic impact on the performance of a team. Never okay season on the amount of memory you purchase for your team.
The minimum size must buy for modern computers quickly approaches 2 Gigabytes.
The CPU speed is next in importance. The speed of the CPU most modern systems is sufficient for most types of daily operations. Unless they are making mathematical calculations very intense, aided design complex searches of databases, encryption or intensive graphics as team or modeling, you won't need the highest speed team.
Bus speed is as follows. This will depend on the type of motherboard (main system board) that the computer manufacturer provides and basically cannot be changed after the fact that the average user.
Speed of the disk is the last factor, but should be considered if they are doing intensive database operations.
In short, get large amount of ram memory, buy a minimum dual-core CPU and check the speed of the front side bus to get the speed you need.
David Freitag
The Doc Team
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